Aloe Soothing Mask Pack is a regenerating mask soaked with a double dose of aloe so it is perfectly absorbed into the skin and reaches the deepest layers of skin and that's where nutrition and hydration begin. It will also improve blood circulation and thus regenerate the epidermis. Repaired skin will be smoother, more elastic and firm. It contains vitamins: A, C, E, which will moisturize, make blood vessel walls more elastic and minimize keratosis of the epidermis. It will also soothe and help in the treatment of irritation and acne scars. Green tea hydrate will be antibacterial, anti-acne and anti-inflammatory.
On cleansed and toned skin, apply a face sheet to the contour of the face and leave for 10-20 minutes. Then remove, and the remaining essences gently pat with your fingertips.
Capacity: 23g